For this temporary hotel, IAA Architects created a shelter where the occupants become a form of entertainment to passersby. Designed in collaboration with artists and Aneta Grzeszykowska Jan Smaga, the hotel is part of a temporary installation and envisioned as a piece of art. With five screened bedrooms, a shared gardens and common facilities, the hotel offers an inexpensive place to lodge and creates a simple aesthetic for the Grenswerk Festival of Arts.
More images and more about the project after the break.
The lightness of the structure allows the guests’ motions to be seen from the exterior. “The guests are part of the spectacle,” explained the architects. “If a guest in the night a light on to read, everyone can see. People who sleep meet during breakfast and then can share experiences. Who knows, it opens up some friends for life. ”
The simple materials create a quiet structure that doesn’t impede on the land, but rather affords view not only of the people within, but the occupants have great views of the surrounding landscape.
As part of the exhibit for the Museum in Enschede, this project, entitled ”Night at the Museum Avenue” functions for those occupying the interior space as well as those passing by.

As seen on blog bellostes
Temporary Hotel / IAA Architects originally appeared on ArchDaily, the most visited architecture website on 27 Nov 2010.
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